
| How is LeadAZ Different?

Simplified Learning

We have analyzed all state standards for 6th-8th grades and streamlined what students need to learn. Lecturing time is reduced by 75% and all work can be done within school hours (no required homework). This is only possible because of our unique research-based approach to learning.

Student Centered

Students will have their own unique learning plan and can progress as quickly or slowly as they desire in all subjects. They are not restricted to material for their grade level. Each student will also have their own success coach who they meet with each week for guidance on academic and personal development.

Flexible Classroom

Classes aren’t separated by grade or age to allow for more socialization and student-led learning. Students have the option to learn remotely or in-person.

Research-Based Curriculum

Teaching methods are based on 30+ years of research and classes are taught by qualified instructors with real-world experience and professional-level certifications.

Mastery Learning

All students get A’s when they complete a course! When students are proficient in a subject, they move on. They don’t have to wait for classmates. Students are evaluated based on their own understanding/accomplishments and not a teacher’s biased opinion.

Relevant Assignments

All assignments apply to the real-world, allow for hands-on creativity, and support learning without busy work. There will be many activities that allow students to work in groups and learn things that aren’t covered in a traditional school (hobbies, special interests, etc.).

Student Support

The only way to make our program possible is to provide maximum support to students. Our team is lead by 5 PhD instructors and 5 teachers. Each semester, we will host several ASU interns. We will maintain a ratio of 5 instructors to every student. This ensures that students will have the coaching and guidance they need!

| Curriculum

Life Skills
  • The curriculum is comprised of 6 subjects: math, English, science, history, leadership, and life skills.
  • Each subject has a curriculum map that lists milestones for students to complete throughout the year.
  • Life skills are taught through a variety of extracurricular services offered after school (additional fees may apply).
  • Milestones include a mix of online exercises, in-person projects, group activities, and mastering specific skills.
  • Students create their own customized academic plan to determine how and when they would like to complete their curriculum maps.
  • Maps are created for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, but students can work together regardless of their grade level.
  • All students receive A’s as long as they complete their approved academic plans.
  • Parents and students meet with instructors quarterly to discuss progress and adjust academic plans.